JIT Services is able to handle the entire invoicing process for you. From receipt to payment, we offer a variety of services to make utility billing simple for our clients, accurately loading the utility billings directly into your accounting system. With utility data at your fingertips via our sustainability reporting platform, Scorecards and High Use Alerts, you will have the data to drive cost savings and reduced consumption.
Utility Bill Processing
JIT effectively processes the receipts and payments of our client’s utility bills. JIT is able to upload your utility expenses directly into your accounting system - saving you both time and money. Most of our clients rely on JIT to pay the utility companies, guaranteeing you will never miss a due date again!
Sustainability Reporting
JIT effectively stores and presents your information to you in an easy-to-understand format designed to keep you fully informed and updated on all your properties’ utility usage. Whether looking for data for a single account, a location, a group of facilities, or your entire portfolio, JIT’s online portal allows you to access important energy and water data.
Scorecards, Alerts and Benchmarking
Ever worry that you have a leak that is wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars down the drain every month? With JIT’s Award-Winning High Use Alerts, you never have to worry about that again! We know you are busy running your business, so we push out scorecards, alerts and benchmarking reports to make energy and water use more visible and actionable.
Budgets and Accruals
Do you dread having to create your annual budgets for utility costs? JIT takes that hassle away from you and can provide you with annual utility budgeting services by using all of the billing data in our database. We also provide accrual reporting to help your finance team know what bills are missing at the end of a month!